大学英语四级作文 篇一
it is descerned that the number of pirate(private)houses had been on a(an)increase from 1990 to 2000.in 1990, it was about 20 percent; in 1995 it was 40 percent; in 2000, it was 80 percent.
there were some reasons for this fact. one of them was the improvement of peoples living conditions(condition), all people wanted to own pirate houses.
on the other hand, peoples income was on a(an)increase, they could afford to buy pirate houses!
obviously, there were some good things resulted from this fact. such as it could improve chinese economy. but there were also some bad things, such as it took much time to go to work!
大学英语四级作文 篇二
The human being differs from the wild beast in that the latter is liable to have a hostileview of others and interact in an unreasonable and aggressive manner. Primitive humansmight have acted in such fashion, but civilized humans should cultivate more appropriatebehavio(www.)rs.
In the drawing above, a man carrying a large load accidentally steps on a woman's foot.Given that he gracefully apologizes, the woman both accepts his apology and assures him notto worry.
The man and woman depicted interact with each other in a courteous and compassionatemanner. The woman understands the man did not intentionally step on her foot, andtherefore whether or not she is in pain, she does not attack or blame him. Because she is ableto view the situation from his perspective, conflict is diverted. Mutual understanding such asthis is a fundamental aspect of civilized society.
Some people tend to think the worst of others and become angry over even the smallest ofmatters, regardless of how their own actions are disturbing in turn. Such intolerance onlyleads to more conflict. Disrespecting or mistreating people not only inflicts pain upon others,but can also harm one's own conscience and attitude.
Having compassion for others is an important facet of social intercourse. Once one strivesto understand the experience and perspective of another, one can avoid much trouble andconflict, thus making life more peaceful and just for all.
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