pollution污染英语作文 篇一
Dear Sir or Madam,
I’m writing to you to state my view on the water pollution problem. It is generally accepted that water pollution is a serious public hazard today. Rivers all over the world are being polluted with garbage and dangerous chemicals. Ships contribute to the problem because they rely on rivers for disposing of wastes. Oil and other chemicals can kill fish and make water unsafe for drinking. Because they rely on rivers for disposing of wastes. Oil and other chemicals can kill fish and make water unsafe for drinking. In a word, polluted water is a big problem to everyone.
As you know, people depend on water to live on. They should be involved in finding a solution to this problem. I think, certain counter measures need to be taken as soon as possible. To begin with, the governments of all countries are supposed to formulate rules and regulations to deal with the pollution problem. In addition, factories in towns and cities must be prohibited from draining waste liquids into rivers before they are totally treated and purified. I feel if they violate relevant rules or laws, they should be fined heavily. Certainly, there are some other cures which are worth adopting.
As far as future prospect is concerned, I am sure that good results will be achieved in this respect. Rivers which used to be contaminated by industrial wastes will be cleaned and fish which could not live there a few years ago will be again. To conclude, it seems obvious that tomorrow will be better and brighter only if everyone does his part and tries hard to seek solutions for its control.
If any further ment on the issue is required, please don’t hesitate to write to me.
Yours sincerely
Paul Sears
pollution污染英语作文 篇二
Water pollution is a serious problem now. Hundres of dead fish can be found on the surface of Haihe beeause of serious pollution. Besides Haihe, there are some other rivers like this.
We can't live without water, so we must keep'the water elean to protect ourselves. Our government is taking measures to protect the rivers against pollution. People also realize the seriousness of the pollution. Everyone begins to try his best to fight against water pollution.
We can't live without water, but now many rivers are polluted. Hundreds of dead fish can be found on the surface of Haihe because of serious pollution. It is dangerous to drink such water.Besides Haihe, there are other rivers like this.
People come to know the seriousness of water pollution. Our government is taking measures to protect the rivers against pollutions. Peopie also try their best to protect rivers and keep them clean.
环境污染原因英语作文 篇三
The environment is everything around us,for example,air,water,animals,plants,buildings and so on.They all affect us in many ways and closely related to our lives.People cant live without the environment. Everybody needs to breathe air,drink water and eat food every day.We burn coal to keep warm,and we use wood to make paper.As a result,we bee the part of the environment. The environment has been getting wores and wores for many years.We have been upgrading our living standard, meanwhile the environment has been polluted.Somke form factory chimneys pollutesthe air.Machines and engines make noises that annoy us constantly.Animals are homeless because the forcests are decreasing every minute.Streets are crowded with people and vehicles.The environment painful for us to live in it now.So its time to solve those problems.
Fortunately,it isnt too late to correct our mistake.People are ing to realiza the importance of the environment.We have begun to try our best to improve it.Laws are being made dealing with air, water and noise pollution.The river be bright,the sky will be clear,the flowers will be beautiful,and the sunbeam will be dazzling and pretty.We believe that we wil be able to save our environment and live in a better world
环境污染作文 篇四
pollution污染英语作文 篇五
When we read newspapers, we often e across the word pollution. This word was not familiar to the people some decades ago. But now, it is a serious threat to us because.it means the poisoning of the air, seas, rivers and lands, which would do harm to our health.
There are many factories that bring pollution to us. We can not have fresh air in the morning. This is mainly because of the poisonous smoke ing from factories, especially chemical ones. In rivers, seas and oceans, there are industrial wastes. Some factories just throw their wastes into seas or let them flow into rivers. When people drink the water from such rivers, they get poisoned. Besides, there is rubbish from ships and when sometimes an accident occurs in an ocean, oil flows out from tankers.
On land, the accumulation of rubbish in the streets may dirty the city and ruin our health. This is mainly due to the improper disposal of rubbish by people.
If we do mot fight against pollution, surely one day all of us will be killed. Some people like to put the blame on the industrial revolutions. On the contrary, the pollution problem will be solved only with the help of modem science and technology.
air pollution英语作文 篇六
Pollution is harmful to human beings. Polluted water causes many kinds of diseases such as diarrhea, enteritis, etc. And sometimes these diseases even take man’s life. Dirty air or air-borne garbage causes stinging eyes and running nose. Pollutants are destructive. They cause runs in nylon stockings and crack rubber tires and they eat away at stone and rust iron.
Measures have been taken to control pollution. In recent years, legislative steps have been introduced to control pollution. Rivers are being cleaned. Air is purified, and pollutants are being trapped before they are poured out of chimneys.
However, pollution problems have not been completely solved. Pesticides are widely used almost everywhere. They pollute soil, water and food. They have the power to make our streams fishless and our gardens and woodlands silent and birdless. Some factories are still using air as a dumping place for wastes. Some lakes are still dirty. Quite a few chimneys are still pouring smoke into air and noise pollution remains serious.
pollution污染英语作文 篇七
Now the world's pollution problems are being more and more serious. Such as water pollution, noise pollution, environmental pollution, light pollution and so on. These pollution caused serious harm to people. It makes people sick, and even death. What causes these pollution? The answer is human. Is people who created these serious pollution. People use a lot of chemicals that environmental pollution is serious. Many factories discharge waste water into the river in the clear. A lot of fish in the river, the river has not used. I want people to have the awareness of environmental protection, not to destroy our environment. We have only one earth.
环境污染作文 篇八
pollution污染英语作文 篇九
life gets noisier every day and very few people can be free from noise:of some sort or another.
it doesn't matter where you live in the middle of a modern city, or a faraway village the chances are that you'll be disturbed by jet airplanes, transistor radios, oil-powered engines, etc. we seem to be getting used to noise, too.
some people feel quite lonely without background music while they're working. scientific tests have shown that total silence can be a very frightening experience for a human being. however, some people enjoy listening to pop music which is very loud, and this can do harm to their eardrums.
the noise level in some discos is far above the usual safety level for heavy industrial areas.
one recent report about noise and concentration suggested that although lots of people say that noise disturbs their concentration, what really influences their ability to concerttrate is a change in the level of noise. it goes on to say that a background noise which doesn't change too much (music, for example) may even help people to concentrate.
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