我们要跟随潮流吗 Should We Follow the Fashion 篇一
Young people like to follow the fashion. They know who is the hottest stars and what is the hit songs. Following the trend is part of their daily life, they can keep up with the time and get to know the first-hand information. Some people criticize the teenagers for chasing the fashion, because it wastes time and money, but I see the positive sides. When teenagers see all kinds of information, they will learn to figure out the positive sides and negative sides. What's more, they can broaden the vision and knows what happens around the world. It is young people's right to chase fashion, and the elder can guide them the right attitude to new styles.
My Pet 篇二
I have a cat named Mimi. Its hair is as white as snow. I often play games with it. It amuses me a lot and I treat it as a little friend. Every morning, I would say goodbye to it before I go to school and Mimi would wave its front-legs to me. It brings me a lot of pleasure. But it takes time and costs money to keep the cat. My parents and I spend much time taking care of it, feeding it and cleaning it. We have to clean the house from time to time, or the cat will make them dirty and smelly.
The Mas 篇三
Activities during the journey
Last sunday, my parents took my brother Mingming and me to a beautiful village. The village was large so we rented a bike in order to travel around it .On the way,we saw some lovely goats and we fed them. They were friendly to us. There was a pool in the village. We went fishing by the pool. We were lucky to get some big fish.After that,we went to pick strawberries. The strawberries were delicious so Mingming and I ate a lot of.
It was a nice trip and I want to go to the village again.
学习汉语 Learn Chinese 篇四
English is the international language. Many parents have realized the importance of mastering English and they spend a lot of time and money to help their children learn it well. But with the development of Chinese economy, a lot of foreigners come to China to learn its culture and language, so we can't ignore the importance of Chinese. I have recited a lot of old poems. It makes me feel the charm of these classic poems. Every poem uses a different way to show the history. I find the great joy in learning Chinese. Both English and Chinese are future language, so we need to master them well.
A letter of thanks 篇五
Dear Mr. Miller and Mrs. Miller.,
Before we leave Australia, we would like to write this letter to you. We enjoyed the seven days' visit with your help. When we arrived in Australia, you welcomed us. Then you took us to travel around and we visited many beautiful places. You also cooked delicious food for us at home. We had a good time here. Thank you for all the help.
Here is a gift for you, a kite from China. The red color is the symbol of good luck. We hope you will like it.
Best wishes!
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