生命在于运动英语作文 篇一
All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help to keep people healthy and happy, and to live longer.
Sports change with the seasons. People play different games in winter and summer. Swimming is fun in warm weather, but skating is good in winter.
Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for them. Football, for example, has spread around the world. Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers. Some sports or games go back thousands of years, like running or jumping. Chinese wushu, for example, has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are rather new. People are inventing new sports or games all the time. Water skiing is one of the newest in the family of sports.
People from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game together they often become good friends. Sports help to train a person's character. One learns to fight hard but fight fair, to win without pride and to lose with grace.
生命在于运动英语作文 篇二
Recently, we have made a survey of the people on physical training. Only 35 percent of the people surveyed have taken part in physical activities.
Over half of the people say they haven't got enough time to take exercises. 34.9 percent of them complain they don't have places where they can relax themselves and that there are not enough training facilities, while another 12.9 percent of the people feel that they live too far away from the training centers. Some of them even don't know how to train.
For lack of physical training, many people are not in good health. People should realize the importance of it, and measures should be taken to provide people with training facilities.
生命在于运动英语作文 篇三
Today, on November 30, on Saturday morning, the weather is sunny, the sun was shining. Under the guidance of the teacher we went to the playground game.
First of all, it is grade three men's 60 m running game, come on, come on! Third grade students excited shout.
Now is the senior men's 60 m, Zou Kaiyun come on! Zou Kaiyun come on! The classmates in our class shouted. There are many teachers and small journalists are photographed! Again came to the class two grade four. Come on!
Now is the men's 100 m. Come on! LuoZhiXiong come on! Zou Kaiyun come on! Wenkai xu come on... In the morning.
生命在于运动英语作文 篇四
On the afternoon of November 18, we had the opening Sports Festival. Each class gave a wonderful performance. The next day, we had an exciting sports meeting. Many players were in it. All the others just watched them. Some were busy writing articles about it. The boys and girls 1500 metres races were the most exciting games. The relay races were exciting, too. Everyone cheered for the competitions.
They did their best. When they scored for their own class, everyone was so excited that they jumped to their feet. The sports meeting didn’t end until four in the afternoon. We were tired but we were so happy.
生命在于运动英语作文 篇五
Sports in Our School Sports in our school have changed a we have more than three P.E.classes a week.
And we have at least one hour to exercise every day. Students get so excite at these changes More and more students take an active part in the ball game.Running and jumping on the playground.Our school life is becoming more wonderful. Doing sports is a good way to relax and keep fit.What’s more a healthy body can help us study better and live a happier life.
生命在于运动英语作文 篇六
I like sports, because doing sports is reAlly a good thing. Firstly, it helps mekeep healthy. Exercise is one of th(www.)e most active and effective means to enhancethe physical health.
Secondly, doing sports is a good way to relax. When youare upset, sport may pull you out from depression. Finally, it’s easier to makefriends while take part in sport activities, because you have the same ’s important for making friends. All in all, I get a lot from sports.
生命在于运动英语作文 篇七
If you ask me what sport is my favorite sport? I will tell you it is running.
I like running because I think it’s a funny and easy sport. I can do it by myself. I was not very healthy when I was a little child. So my father took me running with him. He said it’s good for me. At first I didn’t like it at all. But after a few weeks I felt great when I was running. Therefore I go to running every three days. Now some of my classmates run with me. We always talk to each other. I like this sport.
生命在于运动英语作文 篇八
My name is David, I am 14 years old. I live in Guangzhou,China. I study in No.2 middleschool.
I have many hobbies, such as basketball,football and table tennis. I often play basketball with my father in thebasketball court near my home. And I like playing football with my classmatesafter class, it is funny. Table tennis is also my interest, I like watchingPing-pong games on the TV. Wang Hao is one of my favorite table tennis players.
I like doing sports; it would keep my bodystrong.
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