

时间:2023-06-21 07:55:37 | 文章来源:网络平台


初中英语作文 篇一

Dusk is coming. It s time for the sunset. Look, the sky is getting dim gradually. The setting sun is covering the earth with golden rays. Not only the sky and water surface but also I myseff am turning into golden yellow. Several white birds are flying freely above the water. Willows are dancing in the breeze gracefully. Soon, the sun has buried itself in the thick clouds. But I still can see the beautiful scene in the sunset. It will be always in my mind. I love sunset.

初中英语作文 篇二

牛津初中英语8b unit3单元知识点复习


1一般现在时的被动结构:am /is /are done.

paper ____________(make) in this factory.

2.一般过去时的被动结构:was /were done.

this cup ___________( use)for drinking nine years ago

3.含情态动词的被动结构:can /may / must /should be done.

the playground can /may /must ___________(clean) after school.

4.一般将来时的被动结构:be going to / will be done。

a new bridge ____________( build) over the river here next year.

5.现在进行时的被动结构:be being done.

a teaching building ______________(build) in our school now.

6.现在完成时的被动结构have/has been done.

thousands of trees ____________ _(plant) on the hills since last year.


1.双宾语的被动语态show ,pass, give sb.sth.=show, pass .give sth. to sb.

buy, get, sing sb. sth.=buy, get, sing sth. for sb.

my uncle gave me a new dictionary yesterday.

___________________________ _/_________________________ __.

2.复合宾语的被动语态 make/see/hear/watch sb. do sth.

=sb. be made/seen/heard/watched to do sth.

the boss made her work for sixteen hours a day.



we should take care of the old people very well.



who broke my cup?



1.the work is easy and interesting.i like it.it ____ (finish)in half an hour.

2.---what ____ (happen)to li tao yesterday morning?

---a car ____ (hit) him when he was riding to school,and he ____ (take)to hospital at once.”

3.---can the tree ____ (plant)here?    ---yes.let's ____ (dig)a hole first.

---shall i ____ (carry)some water here?

---yes, please.young trees should ____ (water) very well.

4.---the dress _____(look)very beautiful.what____ it ___(make)of?

.---it ____ (make)of cotton.

2.asleep, sleeping , sleepy

asleep  adj 用作表语, 后置定语。 be(fast) asleep/ fall asleep

•i found a boy _____________________(在空房子里睡着了)

sleeping  a sleeping boy   a sleeping car

•don’t make any noise. he______________( sleep).

sleepy用作表语,是“瞌睡的, 困乏的”意思。 用作定语,“贪睡的, 沉静的”

•the child was so _________, his head was nodding

•that is a_______________ valley.

•that man fell ________ asleep.

a. very          b. sound        c. fast      d. b and c

•the man was so tired after work that he soon ___________.

a. went to sleep   b. felt asleep  c. went to asleep   d. went to sleepy

3.design     be designed to do sth    be designed for sb/sth

•the cartoons __________________(为孩子们而设计的).

•the signs ___________(design) to help blind men to cross the streets.

•---do you know who designed the cd-rom around the world in eight hours?

---yes. it ________ by nancy jackson.

a. has designed      b. designed  c. was designed    d. designs


disappear    disappearance   消失

•plastic bags pollute the air, the land and the water and they will not ________(appear) for a long time。

•his _____________ made everyone happy

•.everyone was amazed at his ___________. we hadn’t seen him for a long time

5.include  v 动词 意为“包括” including  prep 意为“包括。。在内”

•the class of twenty __________ seven girls.

•ten members were present at the meeting, ________ myself.

•the united kingdom _________ northern ireland and wales.

a. include        b. included     c. includes      d. including

6.lie-lay-lain  lying躺, 位于

•he ______ down for a rest just now.

•there is a dog ________at his mum’s feet.

•he is so lazy. he _____________ on the bed for a whole day.

•hei longjiang province _________in northern china.

7.come out   上市;出版;开花

come down 掉下来,塌下来;(雨、雪等)落下; (价格,温度等)降低

come from, come in, come into, come on, come true

•when you have got enough points, a cloud will__________________.

•her new novel has already ______________.

•the flowers _________________late last year because of the cold weather.

初中英语作文 篇三




我今天的说课内容是初中一年级的语法课,具体语法为Modal Verb.接下来我会从教材分析,教材目标,教学过程以及板书设计等方面来阐述我对这节课的理解和设计。首先是我对教材分析的阐述。



本课遵循新课标的要求,考虑基础教育改革发展方向,尽量体现基础教育中的人性化走向。面向全体初中学生,突出初中学生特点,尊重其个体差异。本课的主要内容是有关初中语法中比较初级的语法知识Modal Verb的相关内容。在此课中,主要学习情态动词的定义,以及常见的情态动词,在了解什么事情态动词的基础上,会着重介绍三个最为常见的情态动词——can, may, must。在具体讲述的过程中,会对这三个情态动词进行适度的延伸与拓展,同时会加以练习进行巩固,注重培养学生在分析例句时的思辨能力和综合语言运用能力。


1.知识目标:要求学生熟练掌握can, may, must的具体用法







了解情态动词的定义,熟记常见的情态动词,学会三个基本的情态动词can, may, must的具体用法


情态动词用法的基本句型以及can,may, must的区分和各自特殊地用法。








导入阶段(warm-up) 5min.

1.导入语:Hello, everyone. How are you today? Now I have aquestion to you? Do you like grammar?


2.引出课题:Today we will talk something about grammar----ModalVerb引出今天的课题。



①介绍Modal Verb的三个重要特点。先提问同学们是否有人知道,然后再逐一进行解释,举出一些例子,请同学们分析。




②教师不定期提问一些问题,比如,How to translate the first sentence? Couldyou read the following sentences? And all.


①在课程接近末尾的时候,请同学对本课所学知识进行总结。Can的具体用法,may的具体用法和must的具体用法,以及something should pay more attention.


巩固、运用阶段 13min.




布置作业 2min.





初中英语作文 篇四


1. 掌握且能运用有关询问某人身体状况的日常用语,能述说健康状况以及谈论病情和给出建议或要求的日常交际用语。

2. 掌握本单元的词汇和习惯用语,特别是短语make up one’s mind, as if, at least等的用法。

3. 进一步学习动词不定式,学习用it 来充当形式主语的用法,有时还用it 来充当形式宾语,而真正的主语或宾语后置句末。如:i found it difficult to learn english well.

4. 认真学习”the man who loved dogs”和”cody saves the baby”,体会人与动物自然、友好相处的和谐。



make up one’s mind下决心

regard…as …把……当作……;当作

as if好像

at sea 在大海上

just as…正象;恰与……相同

mobile phone可移动电话

half an hour半小时

at all根本;全然

at least至少;起码

a doctor for animals兽医

wag its tail, or put its ears straight up摇尾巴或把耳朵竖起来

to help animals is helping people.帮助动物就是帮助人类。

make sb. do sth.使某人做某事

find something about him on the internet在网上找到有关他的资料

a pet dog named don一条被叫做don的爱犬

no matter不管

before long不久

work on从事于……工作

be on the safe side万无一失

to speak well of everyone说别人好话

to complain too often报怨太多



表示肯定和不肯定 expressing certainty and uncertainty

we can find ….我们能找到……。

喜好和厌恶 like and dislikes

i like …. 我喜欢……。

i really love …. 我真的喜欢……。

i like to work with …. 我喜欢和……工作。

do you like being …? 你愿意成为……吗?

请求允许和应答 asking for permission and responses

— can i ask you some questions? 我能问您一些问题吗?

— sure. 当然可以。


a. 陈述句

it is interesting to play with pets. 和宠物玩是有趣的。

to do the job well is not easy. 做好这项工作是不容易的。

it’s better to give than to receive. 奉献总比索取好。

to make a mistake is human. 犯错误是人之常情。

b. 疑问句

is it easy to heal children? 给孩子治病容易吗?

but isn’t it more important to help people than animals? 但是难到帮助人类不比帮助动物更重要吗?

c. 否定句

it is not easy to learn maths well. 学好数学是不容易的。



本单元主要学习询问身体健康状况、谈论身体状况以及对身体健康方面的一些忠告或建议、要求等的日常交际用语,还学习了一些常用语及部分同义或近义词的用法。在学习对话的同时,复习归纳了现在完成时时态,强调现在完成时态不能使用过去的时间状语。进一步学习了动词不定式,学习用it 来充当形式主语的用法。 通过对课文the man who loved dogs和cody saves the baby的学习, 来体会人与动物友好相处的和谐。 同时要掌握本单元的短语和习惯用语。


第15单元第58课与60课都是以叙事的方式,讲述关于狗的故事。the man who loved dogs讲述的是james herriot做为兽医的艰苦历程和他对职业的奉献精神。cody saves the baby讲述的是一只狗在地震时救了小主人的经过。两篇文章内容除了一些生词外,没有出现较难的语法项目。对于这样的语篇,可以通过教学设计,提高学生的阅读技巧和阅读速度。并在课堂练习或课后练习时,再阅读其他小短文,演练一下所学的方法,进而达到学会读大意,抓主题的快速阅读的目的。



long ago, dogs and horses were tamed to become man's helpers on land. today some people believe that dolphins may become man's helpers in the seaproof that a dolphin can be trained to assist man appeared in 1965. the u.s. navy used the services of a seven-foot dolphin, tuffy.

tuffy worked with divers at the navy's man-in-the-sea station off the coast of california. he acted as messenger to a ten-man team whose underwater home was sealab ii, 205 feet deep.

wearing a plastic harness, tuffy carried letters in a waterproof tube. he also carried tools for the undersea workers. tuffy learned to answer calls for help. pretending to be lost, an aquanaut

would sound a buzzer. another aquanaut would fasten one end of a line to tuffy's harness .tuffy would speed to the rescue.

more and more , it seems likely that old tales of dolphins' willingness to help man are closer to truth than to fiction .

1. the land animals dolphins are compared to are

a. oxen and horses b. dogs and cats

c. dogs and horses d. none of the above

2. the name of the trained dolphin was

a. toughy b. tuffy c. tufty d. none of the above

3. the services of the dolphin were used by the

a. government of california b. u.s. army

c. u.s. navy d. scripps institution of oceanography

4. the article does not say that

a. the station was named sealab ii b. the station's depth was 205 feet

c. ten men were in the underwater team d. the men spent fifteen days at the station

5. for all his chores, the dolphin

a. wore a plastic harness b. carried a waterproof tube

c. carried a line d. carried tools

6. the signal for the dolphin's rescue chore was a

a. shout b. bell c. buzzer d. whistle

7. the purpose of the line the dolphin took was to

a. save the aquanaut from drowning b. lead the aquanaut back to the others

c. help the aquanaut to guide the dolphin d. carry a light to the aquanaut

8. the author suggests that this modern example makes old tales about dolphins seem

a. more truth than fiction b. more fiction than truth

c. half truth and half fiction d. entirely fiction


1. c 2. b 3. c 4. d 5. a 6. c 7. b 8. a



(1) 本文简单介绍了燕子的生活习性。

(2) 对小动物的介绍一般都是从细节到它的生活习性。

there are different kinds of swallows. some swallows make their homes in the sand; others build their nests under the roofs. they make their nests of earth and grass.

it takes them several days to build a nest. they have to work in the early morning. the swallow lays five or six eggs at a time. the mother bird sits on them, and the father bird watches by her side and gives some food to her.

you must not think that when swallows fly over your head, they aren't working. no! life is work to them. the young swallows eat a lot and they are busy catching the insects for them. so they have to work from early morning till late at night. at last the young birds can fly well, but the old ones can't rest. they began to think about their second family, for they have two broods every season.

when the second brood can fly, too, it's time to think about going to the warmer countries, and when spring comes, they'll return.


(1) swallow n. 燕子

(2) nest n. 巢

(3) roof n. 屋顶

(4) lay v. 产(卵)

(5) insect n. 昆虫

(6) brood n. 一窝所孵的幼雏


(1) can you see swallows easily now? why?

(2) in what way can we protect (保护) this kind of animal?

初中英语作文 篇五

The successful person in my mind is Lin Dan. He is one of the youngest and most famous badminton players of our time. He has won a number of awards in many important competitions. However, his success came at a price. He spent most of his time practising playing badminton when he was a little boy. At age of 17, Lin Dan the first became a world champion. Lin Dan often says:” Lin Dan’s experiences tell me whatever I do anything, we should do it

初中英语作文 篇六

Since we were small, we have been educated it is not right to tell lies.Though I keep these words in my mind, I never learn until I made the mistake. Itwas a Sunday. I had made some plans with my best friend. When she called me onthe phone, I felt so sleepy and told the lie that I was not feeling very well,the plan had to be cancelled. I continued to sleep. Then in the evening, shecame to see me with present. When my mother calling me, I pretended to be sick.I felt so guilty. I had to tell so many lies to cover the first lie. Since then,I promise not to lie again, because the price of lies makes me tired.

初中英语作文 篇七

Basketball is my favorate sports. Different people love differentsports,and in the GAME, the ethletic according to his or her talent take part inthe different games. But , for me i love basketball so much!

First, basketball game is a team game,so every body have to support andcoporation together that can finish this game well.

second, basketball game is a way for relax. it's good for body and good formind too.

fanilly,it's a good exercise to everybody, it is good to our health.

In all ,basketball game is my favorate sports.

初中英语作文 篇八

One of the premier medical scientists in the 21st century is Zhong Nanshan.Born in 1941 and graduated from Beijing Medical College, this ordinary but greatman has been working in the medical field for over 40 years. He is a good doctorin the patients' eyes and a kind medical professor in his students as well.

In the spring of 2003, the SARS epidemic broke out in China and across theglobe. Zhong Nanshan not only led but also took an active part in the battleagainst SARS. At that time no one really knew much about SARS and most peoplehad no natural defenses against the disease. Dangerous as it was, Zhong Nanshanworked hard day and night treating SARS patients. Meanwhile he underlined thefact that teamwork among nations could save lives. Through their hard work forseveral months, Zhong Nanshan and his workmates achieved remarkable result. Soonthe SARS epidemic was stopped in its track.

初中英语作文 篇九



[描述1]:《牛津初中英语》9b Unit 2语法部分,有一段内容为学生参观博物馆,一位学生指着老虎和蛇说:what dangerous animals! 导游说:but the most dangerous animal is the mosquito. 我顺势一引,“do you also think the mosquito is the most dangerous animal?”,有同学说”yes”, 也有同学说”no”, 我马上又问,”what do you think is the most dangerous animal ?”,起先学生的回答都很合乎逻辑,如“老虎”、“狮子”、“狼”、“熊”等,接着有个学生说,“i think the most dangerous animal is the dog because it can bite me. ”,我听后,大笑,学生们也笑了,但是我还是接纳了他的观点。其他同学大概受到了影响,马上有人接着说是“苍蝇”、“蛇”。接着好象学生们的思路一下子打开似的,不断的有人举手,答案也很精彩,有说是“鲨鱼”、有说是“鳄鱼”等,要知道这些单词书本上是没有正式学过的。然而还有同学手举得高高的,想回答……,我突然有一种感觉:今天发言的气氛真是好!


[描述2]:《牛津初中英语》9b Unit 2主要是关于动物,在一节课上,我提出一个问题,”what animal do you like best?”,学生或独立思考,或两人讨论后发言了,答案都不错,也都有理由:

i like pandas best because they’re lovely.

i like monkeys best because they’re clever.

i like cats best because i have a cat in my home.


好些同学都作了回答,答案也都很个性化,我已经有点满意了。但这时我发现有一个女同学想说又不想说的样子,我马上请她回答,她说:i like octopus(章鱼)best because my name is zhang yu(张瑜).我听了几乎要叫绝起来,我佩服她回答问题的独辟蹊径。内容来自 斐 斐课 件园

[描述3]:《牛津初中英语》9b Unit 2的复习课,我想让学生把整个单元中所涉及到的”amazing things ”都串起来,于是我提问,”what amazing things do you know? ”,我担心学生前面学过的都忘记了,说不出什么。可学生非常的踊跃,有的说到了书上提到的内容,如蛇用耳朵听、有种青蛙是有毒的、大象用趾尖走路、长颈鹿的脖子和人一样有七根骨头等等。在一些学生的带动下,大家纷纷举起了手,他们把前面学过的知识都搬了过来。除了这些之外,他们还讲到了许多课外的知识,如最大的动物是蓝鲸,马是站着睡觉的等等,许多知识我也不清楚,只得虚心聆听。学生已经说出许多后,可还有人举手。后来我只好打住了。








面要广,参与人数要多,为了追求所谓的快节奏和训练学生快速思维能力,一个接一个的问题抛向学生,很少会在某个学生这边作些停顿,老师更多的是追求一种正确的答案,至于学生到底回答了什么,怎么会这样回答的,老师都没多关注。而且传统的反馈基本为“good”,“excellent”,“never mind”,”you will do it better next time.”等等,但这些无关痛痒的反馈已经激不起学生的兴趣,“不要使用这种程序化的、毫无意义的反应,你应该尽力澄清、综合处理、扩展、修改、提升和评价学生的回答。”(高慎英、刘良华)

学生回答错误时或有困难时,老师干脆而生硬的一句”no”或“sit down”会挫伤学生的积极性,但若老师能“容忍”一下,给予知识上或情感上的鼓励,或允许他向其他同学寻求帮助,这会给他莫大的安慰。只要他回答了,他就多了一次成功的机会。

必要时,教师需要“追问”、“补充”和“赏识”学生的回答,这会让学生感到教师一直在倾听,教师不仅在关心问题的答案,也同样关注着学生。如当学生有精彩回答时,我一定会再大声强调一下,说,“he/she says/thinks/is…”以表示赏识。又如一次,一个学生说:”i couldn’t climb the tree when i was young .” 我马上接口补充到“but i could climb the tree when i was young.”学生听后竟然大喊“哇!”这种真实、真诚而又平等的反馈显示出对学生的关注、对学生的欣赏,极大地激励了学生回答问题的积极性。在这种师生、生生的互动过程中,不断地传出学生美丽的声音。


